Headteacher's Welcome
At Mylor Bridge we are passionate about offering our children the very best learning opportunities, to ensure that they grow into resilient, aspirational, polite and empathetic learners. We pride ourselves on the wide range of experiences which we offer, ensuring that our children have the opportunity to learn in a variety of different ways. We take great pleasure in sharing and celebrating their successes and supporting them when learning is trickier.
We are very proud of our children and their achievements, in all aspects of their learning.
Teaching and helping our children to learn is a privileged position, and I as headteacher, am the most privileged of all.
Kind regards,
Hannah Pallôt
If you would like to visit our school, please contact
We are currently full in all our classes.
Keeping children safe is everyone's responsibility
"We have a commitment to safeguard our children".
We all have a responsibility to act if we are worried about a child. All children have a right to be safe no matter who they are or what their circumstance.
Designated Lead for Child Protection:
Hannah Pallôt
Deputy Leads for Child Protection:
Sam Shainberg / Matt Collinge
Sam Shainberg / Matt Collinge
For Children in Care:
Hannah Pallôt
Operation Encompass trained leads:
Hannah Pallôt